Our Programs & Partnerships
Portland Farmers Market is a 501c(6) nonprofit organization operating five farmers markets committed to the success of regional food growers and producers and creating vibrant community gatherings.
Providing educational & community benefit programs and nurturing non-profit partnerships across our markets allow us to:
- Increase access to fresh produce for low-income families.
- Provide opportunities for people of all ages to learn about nutritional food options and where their food comes from.
- Ensure the markets are culturally relevant, reflective and inclusive of our diverse market communities.
Support Portland Farmers Market’s 2025 Programs & Partnerships!
Contribute to our Giving Campaign.
Our programming is fiscally sponsored by our sister organization, Farmers Market Fund, a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Scroll down to learn more about the various partnerships and programs at our markets.
Youth Education Programs

Food Hero at the Farmers Market
OSU Extension Service presents this free weekly program that offers educational activities and hands-on demos for kids at King, Kenton and Lents International Farmers Markets.
Kids participating in the program at Lents International Farmers Market also receive $3 to spend with the market farmers.
Food Access Programs
Double Up Food Bucks
This program provides SNAP shoppers with a dollar-for-dollar match to buy additional fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, beans, herbs, and vegetable starts at our markets.

Community Partnerships
We work with community partners, like Sisters of the Road and Suma, to offer additional funds for families and individuals that need it to shop at our markets.
Vendor Support Programs

Matthew Choi Farmers Market Vendor Grant
In partnership with Choi’s Kimchi Co., we offer grant awards of up to $1,500 to support new farm and food and businesses vending at Portland area farmers markets.
Incubator Business Partners
We provide booth space at markets for Headwaters Farm Incubator Program for beginning farmers and Built Oregon’s Bridges Accelerator Program to highlight BIPOC-led companies and their products.

Community Education & Partnerships
Community Group Booth
We invite aligned local nonprofits, like Green Lents and Zenger Farm, to share information and resources with shoppers through a dedicated booth space at our markets.

Monthly Tastings
We prepare and sample recipes to market shoppers, highlighting our vendors and seasonal produce and demonstrating quick, affordable ways to incorporate more local fruits and veggies into one’s diet.
Market Events

Music at the Market
We present live performances of local musical acts of all genres at Kenton and Lents International Farmers Markets.
Special Events
We host events at our markets featuring community partners offering resources, entertainment, and education, such as the Lents Cultural Fair in collaboration with Lents Grown Business Association.