Local Strawberries at The Markets

There is nothing quite like an Oregon strawberry.

Our part of the state has the optimal combination of fertile soil and mountain water to grow the best strawberries – balancing sweetness and tartness and creating the finest flavor with a great texture.

They are usually harvested in late May and June, with some types ripening throughout the season as late as early October. The time to savor the June-bearing strawberries is running out, but fortunately, we have everbearing varieties to keep us supplied until the Fall.

With all these great strawberries at the markets, you have probably wondered:

  • Which are the sweetest?
  • What are the best for fresh eating?
  • What are the best for baking?
  • What are the varieties that are available after June?

Well, we have got you covered.

Here is a list of the common strawberry varieties available at Portland area farmers markets, each with unique flavor profiles and characteristics:


Albion strawberries
  • Developed at UC Davis as a hybrid variety to thrive in the regions of coastal California and released in 2004.
  • Name origin unknown. Although “Albion” is ​an ancient name for Britain or England.
  • Appearance: Long symmetrical conical-shaped light red with a white center.
  • Flavor & Texture: Crisp firm bite with a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
  • Use: Great for eating fresh, not as great for baking.
  • Typical harvest time: Day-neutral (everbearing) variety. Often one of the first varieties of the season in late May and is available throughout the summer months.


Honeoye Strawberries
  • Developed by Cornell Research Station, Geneva, NY and introduced in 1979.
  • Named after a hamlet in the town of Richmond, NY, Honeoye is derived from the Seneca word “ha-ne-a-yah” which means lying finger or where the finger lies.
  • A rarity at the farmers markets.
  • Appearance: Conic shape, bright red and large in size.
  • Flavor & texture: Sweet and tart with a firm texture. Some say the flavor is reminiscent of Strawberry Kool-Aid.
  • Use: Excellent fresh eating. Retains good quality when frozen.
  • Typical harvest time: Short day variety – usually happening mid-May.


  • Released in 1965 through a breeding project of OSU.
  • Named after Mount Hood.
  • Appearance: Small to medium-sized, intense deep red all the way through the middle.
  • Flavor & Texture: A crowd favorite flavor bomb! Juicy, super sweet (high sugar content) and softer than most other varieties.
  • Use: Fragile and must be used quickly after picking. Fresh eating and processing into jams, jellies and sauces.
  • Typical harvest time: June bearing variety – available for a very short window of 2 to 3 weeks in early June.

Mary’s Peak

  • Developed by the US Department of Agriculture in conjunction with Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2018.
  • Named after the highest peak in Oregon’s Coast Range.
  • Appearance: Medium to large size, deep red throughout.
  • Flavor & Texture: Sweet and firm.
  • Use: Best for fresh eating or freezing.
  • Typical harvest time: June bearing however often available through mid-July.


  • Developed by the University of California breeding program in the 1980’s for the California strawberry industry as a variety resistant to viral diseases. Released to the public in 1992.
  • Also specifically bred to thrive in the challenging conditions of California’s coastal regions, hence the name.
  • Appearance: Large, red, round and evenly shaped with a heart-shaped middle.
  • Flavor & Texture: Each berry can vary in sweetness, tanginess and quality. When they’re good, they’re great!
  • Use: Great all-purpose strawberry. Best for fresh eating but holds up well in baking and freezing.
  • Typical harvest time: Day-neutral (everbearing) variety – continuous production from late May to September.


  • Developed and introduced in 1970 by the breeding program at Washington State University.
  • Named for Washington’s Mount Shuksan.
  • Appearance: Large, glossy, bright red with a broad wedge shape, heart-shaped middles and yellow/red seeds.
  • Flavor & Texture: Full-bodied flavor with a medium-firm texture.
  • Use: Great for eating fresh, freezing whole, and making preserves and jam. Suitable for baking as they hold up better to heat.
  • Typical harvest time: June bearing, late May to mid-June.

Sweet Sunrise

Sweet Sunrise Strawberries
  • Introduced in 2014, developed by Oregon State University in conjunction with the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and the Washington State University Agricultural Service.
  • Appearance: Medium to large sized, firm with a deep, dark red color throughout.
  • Flavor & Texture: Balanced sweetness and firm.
  • Use: Good for fresh eating, processing or freezing.
  • Typical Harvest Time: June bearing, late May through mid June.


Tillamook strawberries
  • Oregon State University and Washington State University worked on this variety for 8 years before introduction to the market in 2004.
  • Named for the Tillamook tribe of Native Americans.
  • Appearance: Large sized, symmetrical berries
  • Flavor & texture: Sweet taste and firm texture.
  • Use: Good for eating fresh or freezing whole.
  • Typical harvest time: June bearing, entire month of June.