Welcome to Portland Farmers Market's Blog, your go-to source for news about our five farmers markets, food & nutrition education, recipes, cooking tips, vendor spotlights and more!
Our Visit to Fraga Farm
Read about our visit to PSU Farmers Market vendor Fraga Farmstead Creamery at the peak of their goat kid season.
Local Farm-Fresh Food for Hungry Families
One in eight Oregonians is food insecure. These families can’t afford all the food they need, and don’t always know where their next meal will come from. More than 600,000…
Top 6 Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
Fermented products – available in abundance at the Portland Farmers Market – include kombucha, kimchi, hot sauce, sourdough bread and more! Learn more about the many health benefits of consuming fermented foods!
Recipe: Hearty Tuscan White Bean Soup
Cold and rainy days call for soup! And this Hearty Tuscan White Bean Soup is guaranteed to warm you inside and out. Recipe courtesy of Heidi Liebowitz, owner of Souper Natural, a vendor at our Saturday PSU Market.
Intro to the World of Fermentation
Fermented products – available in abundance at the Portland Farmers Market – include kambucha, kimchi, hot sauce, sourdough bread and more! Learn more about the fermentation process and the vendors who sell fermented products at the market.
SuDan Farm’s Amazing All-Purpose Sheep
Susie and Dan Wilson of SuDan Farm produce grass fed, locally grown, and locally processed lamb, pastured poultry, pastured chicken/duck eggs, and fiber items…
How to Peel Farm-Fresh Hard-Boiled Eggs
The fresher they are, the harder boiled eggs are to peel. PFM volunteer Deanna set out to find out which method is easiest. Read on to find out the results!
Local Beans: Easy to Cook & Good For You
When you buy dried beans from farmers, your beans are farm fresh. When compared to beans available in grocery stores, the difference in freshness is…
The Small Farm Ecosystem and the Essential Role of the Chicken
Raising chickens means so much more to many farmers than just fresh eggs every morning. Chickens are actually considered “workers” and play an essential…
Celebrate Our Local Farmers Markets
The selection at your local market is unbelievably bright, colorful and delicious—all thanks to the dedicated efforts of our local farming friends…