Grilled Vegetables with Beet Vinaigrette
It may not be barbecue weather just yet, but you can enjoy this grilled vegetable recipe from the comfort of your kitchen...
Nettle and Olive Oil Flan
Fresh nettles, aka stinging nettles, are a fantastic addition many meals, including desserts like this recipe by Cathy Whims. To eat them, nettles must be cooked so they lose their sting...
Vendor Profile: Greenville Farms
Greenville Farms is a vendor at the PSU Market in January and February and sells a variety of winter produce, sausages, eggs, sauerkraut, jam and prunes that are made onsite at the farm...
Farmers Markets a Vital Part of Oregon Agriculture
Although the survey didn’t officially track this component, Oregon most assuredly ranks 1st in per capita Instagrammed images of food...